Academic Marshal, Literacy is a Must

  • Breaking News

    Tuesday, 7 May 2019



    By; Moses Adeyemi

    The new year is almost half way and like most people you probably would have a set goal or target you want to achieve before the year wraps up.

    This I tell you is a commendable act.

    People set goals, to get them on their feet working, unfortunately these goals sweep them off their feet, either they are unachievable or these goals are bigger than their efforts .

    They easily rescind to fate of defeat, ending up reciting popular clichés; I can't kill myself or I can't come and die.

    This piece will give a synopsis of reasons why some goals or target are not achieved. Let me use these scenario to buttress my point. Since this is an academic fora we will limit it to academic goals. Now the illustration

    For example,

    We have two students Akpan and Udoma. Akpan on resumption to school told his friend his goal which is "

    Akpan : Hey my guy welcome to KSU the home of koko and okopa

    Udoma:Lol Thanks my guy

    Akpan: So what's your goal as a student

    Udoma: "To make a first class"

    Now let's dissect Udoma's response to what his goal was.

    There is a high propensity that Udoma will not achieve a first class. At this juncture we must know that a goal is different from a wish.

    Goals are what you work towards to achieve while aspirations are left to luck.

    The key ingredients to an achievable goal. Is to be "SMART"

    S- Specific

    M- Measurable

    A- Achieveable

    R- Realistic

    T- Time Bound

    If Udoma puts it these way;

    I want to become a high performing student. This I will do by spending a minimum of 4hrs hrs daily studying, attending tutorial and teaching others.

    He is more likely to achieve his goal why? Because it is;

    •Specific - to become a high performing student.

    •Measurable - 4hrs daily is measurement tool. Any day he does not study for that period he knows he has fallen short.

    •Achieveable: Yes. You are in school for study.

    •Realistic: 4hrs of 24hrs is not too much.

    •Time bound: He has put a time scale of 4hrs.

    Becoming a high performing student will culminate to achieving a first class, for most students the reverse is the case. This is putting the cart before the horse.

    You see writing a first class isnt at your discretion( they are for lecturers) but becoming a high performing student is in your hands.

    Applying this principle on other aspects of life will surely produce tremendous results and achievement.

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