Tales of a Rape Victim
By; Joseph Victoria Eneze
Cuddle him as if you are an expert in the game, play along as like you are in the mood, tell him not to rush, "I will give it to you"
The rate of rape crimes committed is on an all time high and very common in our Nations. Rape has become an offence that even the government cant find a solution. Rape has become an epidemic that if not handled by the victim in the strength of "self defense", she will only be victimized and justice wont be served.
Rape is a crime committed popularly by a male, who forcing himself on a female to derive sexual satisfaction offen times against the females will. The truth is that whenever a man wants to rape a lady, they do it forcefully, hitting every nook and cranny of a lady's private organ without mercy and care.This has led to the destruction of various victims womb, spreading of unwanted diseases and deadly infections, rape atimes result to death, paralyzed some, and at the same time made some victims traumatic.
Having experienced rape, I will like to disclose to those who find it difficult to handle a rape scenario and to guide whoever finds themselves in such an injurious state.There are situations whereas ladies are gang (multiple men) raped and there are situations where it involves one male forcing himself on a female, all is rape as far as it is against your (Females) will. The truth is whenever a man wants to rape a woman, he is always agile and eager to penetrate and ride a woman roughly, at that moment, don't fidget nor beg him not to come around, because, begging them makes them stronger and makes you weaker. Act as if you are truly interested and want to enjoy it with him. Let him feel safe and relaxed giving him the hope that you are going to co-operate with him. Indeed, it will make him cool and show you his weak point which you can always attack.
This forceful act can take place anywhere. It could be a bush, an uncompleted building, a house or anywhere. Be vigilant if you find yourself in such scenario, know the way in and the way out, know where a weapon of defense is before you start co-operating. Now this is it, when he is in the mood, don't beg him nor fidget so that you can be strong enough to fight when its time.Your pleas will only get him angry and want to tear you apart. Don't drag with him having sighted a weapon of defense around you, and knowing the exit, then you go ahead and romance him knowing fully well your aim. Cuddle him as if you are an expert in the game, play along as like you are in the mood, tell him not to rush, "I will give it to you" meanwhile you know within you that its a trap to deal with him and teach him a lesson he will never forget.
Gradually pull his clothes till he has nothing on him, before then, your weapon of defense must be so close by that he won't notice and give him no trace so he doesnt detect your intentions. After you have gotten access to his hot spot, you will see the joyous expression over him then use that opportunity to hit him hard with your weapon at a place that will weaken him to run after you. While escaping, pack all his belongings and phones with you, then don't stop running for your life. The reason why you need to hit him hard and run with his clothes and phones is because at that moment he will be unconscious and the same time wont be able to make any call for gang men to attack you, likewise he wont have clothes to put on to chase you. Just make sure that you are very smart at whatever you are doing.
Tears is not what you need, as help might never come soon, if you cant defend yourself by hitting him, then be ready for a mercilessly attack. Rapists are animals in human form. If you don't hit him, be ready to be his sex toy which you don't want to be, with this your life can be destroyed forever. Instead of him raping you heartlessly, why not teach him a lesson he will never forget in his entire life, else he might hunt after you which might end up in regrets for not defending yourself. My advise goes to every lady who God has blessed with a discerning spirit and a guided mind. Whenever your instincts tell you not to visit a place, please listen to it and avoid keeping late nights. Be careful with male friends you trust because you don't know who is plotting against you.
A wise word states that "experience" is the best teacher. A man who fell into a pit wasn't blind, but he fell so that those coming behind him wont fall into that same pit. What an old man sees while sitting on a mat,no matter how many story buildings a child climbs, he can never see what the old man is seeing.
Only a rape victim can tell the story of what rape truly means, and if you have not experienced it, you can never understand the pains and trauma the victims go through. And to those who have experienced it, forgive yourselves and move on. Don't be ashamed to share it with people who need voices of lessons and encouragements. Afflictions will never rise the second time. And for those who have never experienced it, may men with evil intentions be far away from us and our loved ones.......Spread this and save our ladies.
Thank you very much
from yours sincerely
Victoria is available for Seminar, conferences and talks on Rape for an invite please text or call 08122886973
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