Academic Marshal, Literacy is a Must

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    Tuesday, 9 April 2019

    Poli-tricks In Africa (Poetry) By; Ojomah Enyone Victor

                          Poli-tricks In Africa

    By; Ojomah Enyone Victor

    I will strangulate malaria within four weeks

    Every corrupt king must become a convict

    Education will automatically become free

    Unemployment will be fossilized

    Peace and unity shall be our songs

    Laughter our language

    Poverty out of our vocabulary

    Heaven on earth our nation be

    Relax ye leaders of tomorrow

    I am the the pace-setter

    I will paint the sky blue

    And the sun will never set

    Running years like the wind of the east

    Malaria yet abide with us as the skin to the bone

    Sending our beloved to the grave beyond

    Education indeed free, free of knowledge

    The prison home for the innocent

    And our palaces the habitation of criminals

    Dangling hope, unstable promise

    Why the blank future Africa

    Why wait for the supernatural

    Why wait for death to pay us relief