Academic Marshal, Literacy is a Must

  • Breaking News

    Saturday, 6 October 2018

    Society is fast losing religion. Yes, religion is relevant but, are people still projecting religion the right way?  No, people have turned religion their own way by using it to suit their selfish needs. Religion supposed to be a thing of peace has now turned into a thing of war, a tool to device and to futher divide the society. People no longer have respect for religion nor value her tenets, If they did then, maybe the world would be a better place.

     Many religious leaders today do not even practice what they preach. What example are they then setting for their followers? No wonder today many people are losing faith in religion and turning into extremist. This ought not to be so. Religion is supposed to be an example of what righteous living is. It is not supposed to do the opposite of that thereby messing with people’s minds especially radicalism of the youths and less privileged.  But, that is what we see today. Today, it is so difficult to distinguish a religious person from someone who is not. It is even funny because most people who are not religious exhibit morals and values than those who call themselves people of faith. Why is this so?

    I think religion has lost focus, principles and values. All people care about is pleasing themselves forgetting the big Guy up there. That is why someone who claims to be religious can go about falsifying figures and not feel remorseful about it. It is the reason why a person who says he or she is religious can deceive someone and still feel like the smartest person on the block. Today, people fear man even more than they fear God. Maybe because they can see man but cannot see God but, are we not supposed to fear someone that we cannot see more than someone we can see? Am I getting it all wrong?

    What people fail to realise is that religion is more than a practice; it is a relationship, a relationship with God, worship with the onseen. Maybe when people start realising this, humanity will be a better place. Instead of religious people judging non religious people, they should let their lives reflect the goodness of their religion. Action they say speaks louder than words. It is one thing to know the right thing to do; it is another thing to do it. Which do you want to be? Someone who made others start believing in religion or, someone who made people stop believing in religion, The ball remains in your court

    Ajagbe Blessing Oyinkansola writes from Ilorin South, Kwara State
    She's a Corper and member Creative Writing Academy

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