Academic Marshal, Literacy is a Must

  • Breaking News

    Friday, 12 October 2018

    Its our right to grow,
    To change and become better,
    To evolve although we ask our selves how,
    How we can constantly make our existence matter,

    In our search for absolution and peace,
    We suffer a lot of heartbreaks,
    Where in we question the ease,
    We see our fellows displaying effortlessly,

    We ask ourselves; 'is this real?',
    Is what they portray really it?,
    Is everything about everything what they show?'
    And yet we know that there is more-
    More to it that meets the eye.

    Philosophers find their cue in the eagle,
    Who infrequently renews itself over the course of many years,
    Surviving life's hurdles effortlessly.
    But the sages look up to  a more mystical source,
    Their cue being the Phoenix
    Who infrequently burns itself to ashes
    Rising again out of nothing to reclaim its inheritance.

    So at the end of it all it behoves us to rise,
    To know and believe that there is more to this thing called life,
    One full of memories and fulfillment,
    One where in our inner lights shine forth
    Showing the real human experience.

                                 ©Ani Utah is a Corper serving in Ilorin, a member Creative Writing Academy


    1. The Real Human Experience....Hmmm
      ... I think every line of the poem expresses reality and originality is present.I really love this poem.

    2. Really love the originality and genuine message the poem portrays.
