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    Tuesday, 5 May 2020

    Undervalue of Arts in Nigeria by Deborah Uzoma

    Undervalue of Arts in Nigeria.

    By: Deborah Uzoma.

    It is very imperative to note that Arts has a lot to do with human livelyhood yet it is given less attention.

    Rev. Fr.Nicholas Akwanya defined art as  one of the things that humans do, actions and productions they do in virtue of being human & by which we know them to be human and co-exist with their humanity as an output of that essence. Hence, no human group lacks them.

    Notably, arts relates to sculpture, dancing, stage performances, music, painting etc. A lot of Nigerians today have given up their quest for arts for many reasons, sometimes best known to them.

    However, reasons vary from individuals,
    some who have the right foundation to  make arts aren't getting the desired satisfaction due to Nepotism and favouritism which has become the order of the day. 

    Award are contracted to who knows somebody and not who has it best. Take for instance some of  the writers who send in their works to NLNG and the eventual winners, you will notice that atimes, the winner might necessarily not be the best of entries received.

    Lack of patronage. We hardly Patronise our own. Anything you don't value disvalues gradually. We hardly apppriase our works even if they don't meet standards.

    Lack of recognition of Legends and Heroes of arts. We don't celebrate Arts as  some other entrainment brands do. Only in few parts of the west do we have, festival such as Ake festivals. Art festivals need to go round the geopolitical zones of Nigeria.

    Encourage rising Stars. No one is too small or big to rise. From home to school, instructors should be able to identify wards interested in arts and encourage them. Few times we have heard cases of good  painters performing surgery in the hospital.The difference between What one is and what one should do should be clearly spelt out at the early age. There's nothing bad if you're a Doctor and interested in another field but it becomes bad when you should be fully in arts and not doing that.

    The problem why Arts lack value starts from home, school, association and government. It is within our collective responsibility of we truly wanting it to grow. Devoid of tribalism, seggrations, Nepotism and favoritism. 

    The interesting thing for lovers of arts is that one has to keep on working for what we love, one day our morning will definitely rise for us who lovers of Art.

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