Academic Marshal, Literacy is a Must

  • Breaking News

    Sunday, 2 December 2018


    Jacob Udoka Grateful

    Human behaviour they say is dynamic, as our faces are different so is our character, ideologies and uniqueness.

    All through life different characters have been seen, some funny, carefree, serious, all unique in their own way.

    Sometimes I wonder what the temperaments, Choleric, melancholy, phlegmatic and sanguine has to do with any of it, however, it is interesting to note that this is what brings about variety, colour and beauty to the world.

    I have been on the NYSC camp for the past one and half week and I have seen so many events take place and character mix that makes me wonder at God's creation.

    I have seen leadership displayed, I have seen authority exerted that followers have no choice but to follow, complex decision being made, following through with actions inspire and despite challenges, this leadership quality could be an attraction to one with a good eye.

    The female is a beautiful character, she is known for being soft, have empathy, sympathy and yet very strong and firm.

    However, this is another story among themselves you hear contemption, malice and all sort of gossip, most time over some guy and some lady they don't like.

    In one and a half week I have heard a lady in my hostel in camp threaten to lay a curse at midnight on a person who left her graces by the side of the toilet door in an open nylon. Why a lady would decide to take the trouble to lay curse on a fellow female or decide to place her graces by the door, I don't know.
    Inspite of this the male cannot do without this beauty, but vow to love them again and again.

    I saw a lady complain so much her face squeezed like a woman eating the famous raw bitter leaf.

    I have seen people fight on the parade ground, I have seen people smoke and rock ladies and then leave for morning prayer the next day.

    I would never forget glory of white or the soldier always shouting " use your buttocks to shout".

    I believe all this variety should remain and should never change because this is what makes the world beautiful and interesting to live in.

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