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    Wednesday, 8 April 2020

    Maintaining Cyber Security During Lockdown by Adikoko Karinatei Collins

    Maintaining Cyber Security During Lockdown

    By; Adikoko Karinatei Collins

    Now the question is, what can we do to maintain  Cyber Security During the lockdown? we are advised to increase our cyber hygiene standards and be more careful and vigilant on verification, lastly follow only official updates.

    It is very important to be more careful at times like this where majority of the people are indoors and the traffic online is getting high daily so keep your devices firewalls updated.

    As the traffic increases the chances of people being victimized of fake sites will definitely increase such as ponizy sites telling web user's to part with certain amount of money to double up in few seconds or days, fake investing platforms with other social hacking treaks. What I am saying is, as the number of users increases the possibility of cyber crime increases as well, so we are all advised to watch out at times like this.

    At this point it is also advisable to be mindful of web pages one choose to click/open as most web links are attached with redirection webpage address and it is also advisable to trade or do business with site that has HTTPS as there is additional security embedded in such site.

    Additionally, the common social hacking that will likely occur in Nigeria and the African Region is what I call the online Almajiri that is online beggers they are ready to do anything that will raise your emotions to give out useful information or resources which mostly end up been money, becarefull with such people online.

    Now the question is, what can we do to maintain  Cyber Security During the lockdown? we are advised to increase our cyber hygiene standards and be more careful and vigilant on verification, lastly follow only official updates.

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