Academic Marshal, Literacy is a Must

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    Sunday, 13 January 2019

    Philanthropist Corps member Richard Nnebo Chidozie donate items to the less privileged


    As time progress, man unconsciously get carried away with everyday life, as usual, we blame the political class and elites for our material and developmental predicament. There are kids who spend every minute of their lives as orphans. Do we remember them?
    Nnebo Richard Chidozie, a corps member, philanthropist, and youth leadership enthusiast shares his intention as he showed loved this season.

    I visited the Holy Child Motherless Babies home, at the Mother Of Christ Specialist Hospital Enugu (Holy Ghost Cathedral) to facilitate with them and thus; show little support to the inspiring, amazing and innocent Children. Come to think of it, when was the last time you ever visited or financially assisted those in need or the poor?

    With all sincerity in check, we just have to be seasonally showing support to the less privileged or those in deplorable conditions.
    It does not really matter how little, just try and make it a point of duty, to always assist, help and support wholeheartedly.

    Remember, Whosoever gives to the poor, lends to the Lord and the Lord will surely repay and deliver you in times of troubles and be merciful unto you!

    Wish YOU A Prosperous New Year With Love ❤️

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