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    Wednesday, 16 January 2019

    Youth, Solution to corruption in Nigeria. By; Ezeani Truth .C


            EZEANI TRUTH .C

    “Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts… perhaps the fear of a loss of power”

             -John Steinbeck.

    This is Nigeria a country of endless resources both human and material, like any country there is always the issue of corruption management. It is no mistake that the complete annihilation of corruption has always lingered in the heart of men and women for quite some decades now, if not since the beginning. Would this have been the case in a perfect world, clearly this is not.

    Corruption has been embedded in the DNA of every man, no matter how little, like a cancer. Does this mean that we should give up on the world or more specifically Nigeria to drive itself into a mode of self destruct, a country consumed by corruption? By no means. As always am not about to bore you with the problems of this country, my country. But beautifully would like to propose a solution “THE YOUTH”.

    The youths are the only solution that can be logically implemented, it is however useful to note that corruption cant be totally eradicated . like john steinbeck said fear is what corrupts, fear of change, fear of dialogue and so on. So back on the way forward how can we eradicate fear so that the youths can be more powerful and actually have a voice. First, I will like to draw our minds to the fact that all current leaders in Nigeria were once youths, but as a result of selfishness and greed which amounts to the massive loads of corruption we have today they couldn’t or cant be an agent of change. All the above negative values however little is found in youths of Nigeria today resulting to this endless cycle of corruption .

     The youth should be an agent of change in this generation, change brought by attributes such as patriotism and selflessness all which is embedded towards the creation of the necessary ingredients to a better and corruption reduced country. Although this may sound abstract it is very possible, How though? This generation has been so blessed with resources that can change the world, resources  like the internet can serve as a good tool towards sensitizing everyone to inculcate good values, and eradicate fear. Imagine fear of holding the leaders accountable, and fear of standing for what is right.

    This country can be a better place, only if we note carefully what the problem is, and also preferring solutions. The problem of the country is not only the leadership but also every citizen, our mindset is leading to the decay in the country, hence let us join our hands together most especially as youths and inculcate good values, and also encourage fellows to do the same in order to end this ruthless cycle of corruption. God bless Nigeria.

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