Academic Marshal, Literacy is a Must

  • Breaking News

    Friday, 30 November 2018


    Taiwo Olufemi Moses

    According to U.S. academic, leadership is defined as "a process of social influence in which a person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task". In simple terms,  leadership is the ability to inspire and take charge or control of a group of people or situation. Leadership is an embodiment of the following

    1. Establishing a clear vision

    2. Sharing that vision with others so that they will follow willingly

    3. Providing the information, knowledge and methods to realize that vision

    4. Coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all members and stakeholders.

    In this article I would be talking about leadership qualities youths should imbibe.

        Although a lot of people will argue that this is not a leadership quality,this is the greatest and most important ledership quality because for one to be a good leader he must first learn to lead himself. This involves understanding yourself,  knowing your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,treats and personal values you hold dare and stand by.  This would help youths and corps members to stay within the confines of their boundaries and not overstep or give in to external pressure.

    2. VISION:
         The ability to see is very important in the life of every human beign as it helps in receiving and processing visual detail, and also enabling several photo functions that are independent of vision. Also without eyes, an individual is exposed to things of all sort as they wouldn't see it coming. Likewise a person without a vision can be easily swayed in any direction so as corp members and youth, we should know the reason why we are here,  set our priorities right and go for the goal.

        The ability to solve problems is a skill that is on a high demand in the global labor market today and it starts from solving things as little as maths problems in nursery school. The NYSC orientation camp is designed in such a way that as a corp member and youth, you have to device means to help you solve everyday problem from things as basic as keeping you white clean, managing finances and time to participate in things such as complicated as MAN O WAR drills parades CDS and even PPA etc. As a corp member we must learn to solve problems both personally and sociaital problems as this is the only way Nigeria can be great again.
        Another very important quality is the team player ability.  While on camp. Corp member from different backgrounds with diffrent religious believes,  tribe, creed,  political affilation and even sexual orientation are brought together into "platoons" to work together and achieve a common goal which is to defeat other platoon in sports,  pargentry, music, dance etc. This is an exercise that exposes corp members to work together without discrimination. If properly done it becomes a skill which can help bag someone's dream job.
    In conclusion, leadership in youths is the only lasting solution to our national problems and if every corp member each year can imbibe these leadership qualities, it will go a long way in making our nation great, also,  leadership can be developed in anyone,LETS ALL BE LEADERS.

    Olufemi is a member of AIESEC

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