5 Ways to Make a Relationship Work
Dennis Chimaobi
Relationship, a complicated personal project to embark on. With all of its complications, it is the most frequent happenings all over the world. Relationship In its wider view, has a way of conjugating individuals of diverse tribe/works of life. It is amazing to know, that people get involved in a relationship not getting to know the condiments behind it, and they get heart broken "sincerely". It is fascinating to note that LOVE is a MUST, But RELATIONSHIP is a CHOICE. So, choose wisely.
These are ways to make relationships work:
Acquire Knowledge. Knowledge they say is Power. Ignorance becomes powerful when you look down on knowledge. Present day generation always settle down with societal gimmicks, especially on relationship matters. They believe being in a relationship means becoming boyfriends and girlfriends. Ironically the same society has run pass that stage leaving us behind. Get to know today by reading, researching and observing.
Decide on what you need. The power of choice cannot be under emphasised in matters relating to relationship. Relationship is a choice, and you are advised to choose wisely. Individuals find it difficult to decide on what they want, because what they want is actually not what they need. Needs can stand the test of time in comparison to wants.
Build your communication skills. Relationship without communication is like a an airplane without a pilot. Communication is key. Communication is the drive of any relationship. So therefore, how and what you say in a relationship, determines how far you want your relationship to go.
Giving should be mutual and not one sided. Giving is expected to be a natural human character and that should be applied by both parties involved in the relationship. Sharing of gifts is an instrument to win anyone's heart.
Be realistic in actions and wants. Pretence is a vice in any relationship. For anyone who pretends in a relationship, chases after their wants and not need. Be real to yourself and partner. Let them like you for who you are and not what you have Integrity is a major instrument required to ensure relationship works. Stay true to yourself as you embark on the journey of relationship.
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