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    Saturday, 23 February 2019

    I Know A Country (Poetry) by; Dr Bamisaye Jesugbemi

    I know a proverb
    "Like begets like".
    I know a fact
    "Like country, like her healthcare".
    I know a country
    With sick citizenry.
    Simply put, I know a sick country.
    You say "But it's a great country"!
    Then, it must be a greatly sick country!
    Like begets like.
    Like country, like her healthcare.

    I know a country
    Whose leaders are comfy
    While Malaria depopulates her citizenry
    Like a mean aunty
    Feasting while her niece is starving.
    I know a country
    You also know the country.
    Like begets like.
    Like country, like her healthcare.

    I know a country
    Whose kings leave the country
    To get good health care
    But fail to replicate same in their country.
    I know a country.
    You also know the country.
    Like begets like,
    Like country, like her healthcare.

    I know a country
    That spends more on secondaries
    Than she does on primaries.
    A country where emergencies
    Are almost equal to mortalities.
    I know a country.
    You also know the country.
    I weep for the country.

     Written by Dr Jesugbemi Bamisaye
    Copyright : THE POECTOR® ,2019