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    Wednesday, 3 July 2019



    Do you love your pastor? If yes please pray for them.
    By; David O. Kelvin 

    I could recall in eon's past where a woman caught in an act of adultery was to be stoned to death but was first brought to Jesus so He could pass judgment on her. The amazing thing was this. His judgment was not on her but on those whose righteousness was such that they could not live with any who has committed the very act of adultery whereas there lives were the very  theater where iniquity found expression. Jesus said to them let him without sin be the first to cast a stone of which none of them was free from. John 8:3-8.

    I Decided to begin with the above to unveil the quagmire of man that has befallen our time. Many wants to bring into light the errors of others neglecting the fact that, Living in an environment where error is a climate would prevent one from passing the right judgment unless one cleans up his own mess first so he can see with all clarity. Sir before you talk about the sin's of your brother, Are you without sin? Before you consider dealing with the offense of your neighbor are you without offense? How sweet is it to be in an office of discipline when you yourself has infirmity in discipline. This I want you to take to heart. To correct your neighbor please make sure your own obedience is complete.
    I want to pen this truth right inside your heart dear reader.
    Its alarming to see the rate at which certain persons rise up against Several servants of God. Many are been accused of theft, immortality and the likes. Whether this is true or not, its not in any humans responsibility to throw a finger against any. I say this not to side any who is been accused rightly or wrongly but knowing the dangers that comes to a person who he speaks against God's anointed I humbly counsel. Most servants are called fake, foolish, devils may be due to their actions but can I ask you a question, did God ask you to judge them?

    Did God permit you to speak against any he has called to work for him? do you know heavens record about your own life?  Why not allow God judge whoever he called.

    The devil seeks to use any medium to pull whosoever that seeks to do the will of God, especially those who are genuinely called.  He has an agenda which many had partnered with him unknowingly through their Mr Over Righteousness mindset. Satan's reason for raising up an issue, concern, accusation on any servant is just for one reason. And I will tell you.
    Matthew 26:31
    Then Jesus said to them, You will all be offended and stumble and fall away because of Me, this night [distrusting and deserting Me], for it is written, I will strike the Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered(Msg).

    The above scripture makes it clear on why several uprising emanates against several servants of God. The reason is so the flock of God under his care can scatter but I laugh at devil. The devil is scared of what your life will amount to in God, so, he brings up issues to sway you off your followership. You should be ashamed of yourself as a flock under an authority speaking against him/her because of what people are saying. You should be ashamed of yourself, if after many years of followership, you couldn't defend your pastor, teacher and mentor but rather speak against him. I know how such people end, they end with a cures.  Ask the sons of Noah especially Han (Genesis 9:20-25) he will tell you what his actions brought to him and his generation. Never make the nakedness of your father a subject of discussion, you and your generation could end with a curse. The emphasis for your pastor's  attack is you and not him. The devil wants to take you off his covering so he can strike you.

    Can't you see? Never make the nakedness of your father a subject of discussion I say again.
    Am sorry for those who have made themselves judge over whatever that has befallen not just servants of God but their fellow neighbor. You are sowing a seed that you will never shy away from its fruit. God is not a native doctor. You will always reap what you have sown. I could recall a story I heard years before now:
    A man was caught sleeping with his secretary and those under him took turn to restore and pray for  him. They  both vowed not to tell anyone about it. One of those who vowed not to tell anyone, went on air and made the person become a laughing stock, his work suffered loss. But do you know the amazing thing? Seven years later the same person who went on air was caught on the same act with his own secretary. He reaped what he sowed. Life will give back to you what you sowed into it.
    There are biblical ways of restoring not just servants of God but your fellow who has erred and it has worked a great deal. You don't help God by hurting his folks. As a matter of Fact you become an enemy. Look at this:
    BRETHREN, IF any person is overtaken in misconduct or sin of any sort, you who are spiritual [who are responsive to and controlled by the Spirit] should set him right and restore and reinstate him, without any sense of superiority and with all gentleness, keeping an attentive eye on yourself, lest you should be tempted also.(Amp)
    Galatians 6:1 Live creatively, friends. If someone falls into sin, forgivingly restore him, saving your critical comments for yourself. You might be needing forgiveness before the day's out.(Msg)

    √. Correct by Love
    When God opens our eyes over an error is not so you could destroy such a person with your words and comments but rather so you could correct such a person. The bible lays how we should do it, through love. Tell me, that person's name you drag on social media to soil his/her reputation was it in the spirit of love you did it? No. You didn't do God a favour by doing such. It would have been better to remain quiet.

    √. Restore at the place of prayers.
    I do not care who you are or what you stand for, you have no right to speak against who ever you have not prayed for. Dear christian brother and sister that claims he/she is righteous, when last did you pray for your pastor, teacher, mentor?
    I want to conclude by saying, its our responsibility to restore whoever has fallen and not to talk against them. If truly we claim to follow Christ then we must follow his pattern of restoring the fallen. He told the woman caught In adultery, I don't conderm you. Instead of speaking against any body whether guilty or not, let's restore them with love and meekness not neglecting the fact that we too can be ensnared.
    I love my Father, pastor and mentors. I am praying for them. None of them will fail, fall or faint. Do you love your pastor? If yes please pray for them.

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