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    Saturday, 13 July 2019

    CATFISH PRODUCTION by Olorunjuwon Olabisi Winner


    By; Olorunjuwon Olabisi Winner

    Fish is a cold-blooded vertebrate animal that lives in water, moving with the help of fins and breath with gills.

    Catfish production is the act of raising catfish in managed unnatural aquatic environment such as ponds, cages etc. Basically to make profits. The major goals of a catfish farmer are making profit and to produce more catfish. Sustainability of catfish production ventures is assured.

    The African catfish species which are of interest for aquaculture belong to the genus and subgenus Clarias. Clarias gariepinus, which is considered to be one of the most important tropical catfish species for aquaculture.

    The catfish Clarias gariepinus is much appreciated for its hardiness and taste. The catfish have an enlongated cylindrical body with dorsal and anal fins being extremely long both containing only soft fin rays. The head is flattened, highly ossified, the skull bone forming a casque and the body is covered with a smooth scaleless skin and barbels like whiskers around the mouth. The accessory air breathing organ allows the fish to survive for many hours out of the water or for many weeks in muddy marshes. The catfish can easily be recognized as the male has a distinct sexual papilla, located behind the anus. This sexual papilla is absent in female.

    Consumers in Nigeria has made catfish the most consumed fish in resturants, placing it in high demand in markets. They are sold live in the markets and are held in shallow tubs with little water, making them an ideal fish for conumers who often lack refrigerator or means to hold meat or fish at home.

    What to Consider in catfish productions

    1. Fingerling production as from 8 weeks or 2 months.

    2. Grow out production I.e raw fish that is for 6 months.

    3. Processing ( Smoking of fish) that is for 3 or 4 months

              Importance of Catfish in human nutrient

    1. It supplies necessary protein to people in area where enough animal is not raised to supply enough meat.

    2. The protein is rich in essential amino acids.

    3. It nutrients is highly digestable.

    4. It supports early child growth.

    5. It has low cholesterol, which makes it very good for the old and the ageing.

             Advantages of catfish production

    1. Boost protein intake.

    2. Creation of employment.

    3. Provide raw materials to industries.

    4. Contribute to the country's GDP ( Gross Domestic Product).

         Disadvantages of Catfish Production

    1. It is capital intensive.

    2. It requires high skills.

    3. Inadequate electricity supply.

    4. Inadequate water supply.


    There are two types of ponds to raise catfish which are:

    1. Natural or earthen pond.

    2. Artificial pond such as the concrete pond which is constructed with concrete floor and the wall built with 9 inches block and the blocks hole fill up with concrete then plaster. This is done to resist the distructive force of the water.

    Another artificial pond is the polythene material or tampolene. It is movable and detachable. Example is the calved mobile polygon which can be loosed and movable.

    Plastic bowl, drum and tank can also be used to raise catfish.

                  Catfish feed

    1. Maggot production: it is done with the use of wet poultry dungs. Flies lay eggs on it and it is developed into maggot. It is cheap, good, economical and has high crude protein.

    2. Feed formulation

          Stages of Catfish

    1. Fry

    2. Fingerling

    3. Juvenile

    4. Post juvenile

    5. Grower

    6. Table size or normal fish.

                      Fish Sorting

    Fish sorting is the separation of fish in terms of sizes and cannibalism. It is not possible to raise fish in a single pond; reason because of the problem of not growing equally.

    In Conclusion, to produce abundant catfish you must have:

    1. A good market.

    2. A good business plan.

    3. Good quality water supply.

    4.Quality supplement fish feed.

    5. Keep good daily written record of all activities, purchases and sales.

    6. Be located in safe area without thieves.

    7. Assure day and night 24 hours management.

    8. Be willing to seek to upgrade one's skills in raising fish as with annual training.

    9. Have electricity and generator back up.

    10. Suitable fish pond.

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